Saturday, January 15, 2011

Preparing for the LEED Exam? Check out the LEED Visual

If you are preparing to give the LEED exam this is an awesome read! highly recommended. It is a complete pictorial reference guide to the LEED exam.

The book is intended as:
A comprehensive study guide for USGBC's LEED® Green Associate Exam (v 3.0).

·        A visual explanation of sustainable and high performance buildings, and their benefits
·        A handy reference guide for building owners, architects,engineers, developers, contractors and all other design and construction professionals.

Topics explained in the book:
·         Green Building,
·         Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design,
·         Sustainable Sites,
·         Water Efficiency,
·         Energy and Atmosphere,
·         Material and Resources,
·         Indoor Environmental Quality,
·         Innovation in Design and Regional Priority.

Graphics and text layout:
·        All chapters are color coded for easy navigation through the book.
·        Each topic is explained for its 'Intent' - addressing the environmental issue   and 'Approach' - explaining the strategies to solve it.
·        Every topic is explained through colorful illustrations to help you understand the concept clearly and retain it in your memory.
·        Relevant glossary is explained at bottom of the page, saving time of having to look it up at end of the book.

Mnemonics for easy memorization:
Visual mnemonics used throughout the book to help you remember difficult standards with ease.



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